about Us

Mobly is your HQ for whenever you are in the field. Scan or search anyone. Mobly will enrich the data and create a full contact for you immediately. Engage via phone, text, email, social etc... with ANYONE in your pipeline right from Mobly, and actually have that activity logged in your CRM. NO DUPLICATE WORK. EVER.

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How Mobly works

Getting data into your CRM shouldn't be that hard. With Mobly, it's not.

1. Scan or search for a person

Our OCR (optical character recognition) technology allows you to scan either a business card or attendee badge. No card or badge? No problem! Just type in a name and company into the search bar and select the one that matches who you're looking for!

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2. Mobly matches and enriches

Using our database, data partners and your scan, we will enrich the contact to create a workable lead, complete with all contact info and social profiles. Use our CRM integration to auto-push the lead to your system instantly!

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3. Engage with your contacts

Mobly integrates with dialers and sales engagement platforms, so that you can send emails, make calls and send texts within the app, having all that activity logged back to your CRM.

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Mobly Leadership

Zach Barney
Co-Founder | CEO
Previously: Vehlo, Nearmap, Teem, HireVue

Zach's been building and leading SaaS sales teams since 2010. He has personally closed over $4m in ARR and his teams have closed over $40m through his career. He's a frequent guest contributor on Sales Hacker and the Sales Enablement Collective. Zach has had 1 exit and leads the sales and marketing at Mobly.

Joe Turner
Previously: TaskEasy, LocalFluence, MarketDial, Oakley Networks

Joe is a multi-exited, 4 time CTO with experince in everything from SMB to Enterprise. He's created over a billion dollars' worth of enterprise value over his 23 years of professional experience, and leads all of Mobly's technical efforts.

Kris Jenkins
Co-Founder | COO
Previously: On24, Workfront/Adobe, WTW, Banyan

Kris is an ex-CTO (Banyan), Product leader (Banyan, Towers Watson, Extend Health) and head of Business Development (On24, Workfront.) He also built and ran the Utah CTO Show podcast for a few years before jumping to biz/dev and operations. Kris has been instrumental in 4 exits.

Kerry Peterson
Dir. of Engineering
Previously: TaskEasy, LocalFluence, MarketDial, Oakley Networks

Kerry has been coding his whole life, and this is his 5th company working side by side with Joe. He's a full stack developer and has strong experience in quick, clean code for both mobile and web.